Showing posts with label veena malik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veena malik. Show all posts

Veena Malik Facebook and Twitter Account hack By Pershant


Veena Malik's Digital Manager Pershant decieved her and uploaded her personal Pictures on facebook and Twitter account. 

During Chat with Media, Vina Malik said that  Pershant is BlackMailing me for cash. Pershant is Greedy Man. He is like as my brother. He loves me as A Big Brother.

After My Marriage, I was buzi with My Pathan husband, therefore I can't change My Facebook and Twitter Account Password. 

I give him Ten Thousands monthly salary. He also got 3 Lacs in advance from me. I reserved the Legal Rights against Him.

This is Unfair from Indian Citizen to blackmailing to Married woman.

Pershant worked as Digital or Promotion Manager for Me.